Experiencias colectivas de cuidado
Ayúdanos a fortalecer las raíces del cuidado individual y colectivo, compártenos tus reflexiones, experiencias y sentires sobre el cuidado. Sigamos bailando la revolución. Compártenos tus sentires aquí:
Dear Precious
How are you? How is your work in Metro Manila? How is your community? We missed you at the workshop but I know that you have been busy with your urban poor community in BASECO.
Have you met Moro women there is BASECO? Are they involved in your organisation? I remember the time when I first went to BASECO in the 90s. I think I was your age then. I was at first afraid because of the reputation BASECO has even to Moro people. You know how afraid the people are about the Moro, we were seen as violent terrorists and the other because of our difference with the majority of the Philippines.

Desde Perú te escribo estas letras para reconocer la importancia de tu activismo. Eres una mujer berraca que admiro bastante. Gracias por tu querer hacer las cosas diferentes, por ser la voz de muchas mujeres que no pudieron hablar o no pudieron disfrutar de ser mujeres libres como tu y como yo que pudiésemos amar a quien querramos.
Hoy doy gracias por tu existencia y tu activismo. Te reconozco como mujer y nuestra mayor.
An activist who did not feel like their impact was ‘impactful enough’
I remember a certain quote. About a mosquito, and being too small to make a difference. Let me look for it. I find it. It is attributed to the Dalai Lama. That, If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito. Are there moments you...
Did you bring umbrella?
Dear Nini, I am looking at the blue sky now and the clouds are so few. The sky seems so quiet. Yet there seems unexpressed chaos in the long lines of jeepneys and vehicles underneath the sky. The temperature is so warm that I am sweating all over even in cooler place...
Claudia Tapuy
Pereira, Colombia, Septiembre 19 de 2019 Claudia Tapuy Asociación Aso ahuano warmi Prima, compañera, chauramama, estoy en Colombia en un taller de autocuidado y pienso en ti, porque siempre me has ayudado en las buenas y las malas. Te dejé encargada la...
listen to our body
Dear Warmest Greetings! Hope we are all well amidst a very difficult and challenging situation. This is the time where we gather ourselves and put pieces together to be whole again and gain more strength. There are times that our body and spirit will be weakned and...
Many have called you
Hey Hearts Yes you with a gorgeous smile, an open heart and willingness to serve. I´m writing to you to say thank you, thank you for your service to humanity thank you for selfless serving how you always put others first, how you show up and stand in your truth...
Estimada amiga
Con esta semana llevamos dos al hilo sin poder hacer nuestra salida para conversar de todo, liberar estrés laboral, hablar de nuestros (?) de comunicaciones. Me encuentro en un espacio aprendiendo del autocuido, y me recordé de usted que trabaja sin pausa, que...
Dear future self,
If you are reading this: it means that you made it. I write to you (me) from the past. The year is 2021 - you are gearing up to go back to school for your second master's - you have been working at that for 3 years now. I would like to encourage you to...
Septiembre 19 de 2019 ASOCIACION ASOAHUNO WARMI Gracias compañeras Estela, Claudia, Irma, Martita, Olga, Gladis, Fami, María, Tamara, Claudia, Cecilia +, por salvarme, por dejar las coas importantes de la vida, la chacra, los bebés, la vida, para compartir la vida....
with gratitude and care,
Dear Wangari Maathai, Remember when you said this? “when we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and seeds of hope”. Well, thank you for the fight you and, your comrades put because in 2020, your efforts gave us hope. . . See, 2020 was described by...
Querida Estela
Querida Estela: Antes que nada enviarte un saludo afectuoso. Quiero compartir contigo lo que aprendí del cuidado: Hablar de las propias experiencias ante las integrantes del grupo, donde vemos realidades distintas y se puede aconsejar o brindar un...
I take rest, I take deep breath
While working in the field of rights, I am worried about community than myself. I am recognized as one of the women, who advocate for the right of women in slums. While engrossing into my work for “the right to have shelter” I had forgotten the rights of myself...
Querida Mia
Colombia 19-9-2019 Querida Mia: Desde el inicio de este proceso de auto-cuidado y activismo sostenible me di cuenta de lo mucho que tu hacías sin saberlo pero también de lo mucho que no aprendiste de manera colectiva porque la vida y el patriarcado no te dio la...

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